Installing instructions for mac

Your Apple computer runs the OSX operating system. It has many protections for security such as:

Check for "Malicious software"
Check if "Unidentified developer"
Check if directory permissions is writable

After you download the DMG archive that contains the HamSphere 4.0 software you should do these things:

1. Make sure you run an Apple computer with OSX 10.8 or higher.
2. Download the software:
HamSphere 4.0 DMG native, original version
HamSphere 4.010a DMG native, 32 bit version
HamSphere 4.010a DMG native, 64 bit version
3. Drag the green HamSphere 4.0 Icon to the desktop before you start it. Do not try to run it within the archive itself.
4. If you get "Cannot install due to unidentified developer" try this:

In the Finder on your Mac, locate the app you want to open. Don’t use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu. Control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu. Click Open. The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it in the future by double-clicking it just as you can any registered app. More info on Apple support here

Or follow the Simple instructions from Mac World here

Luckily you can make a simple change to your settings that will allow you to open some third-party apps that aren't on the App Store. It won't mean that you can open every third party app without issue, but it will certainly mean you see fewer warnings.
a) Open System Preferences.
b) Go to the Security & Privacy tab.
c) Click on the lockand enter your password so you can make changes.
d) Change the setting for 'Allow apps downloaded from' to 'App Store and identified developers' from just App Store.

5. If you get "Cannot start HamSphere because Apple can not check if it is Malicious software" you can try this:

If you are like thousands of people hit by this “Security Feature”, Here is a quick two second fix on How To Open the Software that throws “Can’t Be Opened Because Apple Cannot Check For Malicious Software” Error.

a) Highlight the green HamSphere 4.0 Icon on the desktop
b) Press “control”
c) Right “Click” & Select “Open”

Instructions taken from TheWiredShopper - Cannot Check for Malicious Software Error