HamSphere 4.0 Contest Calendar
NameAll Asia 24 hour
DescriptionWe proudly introduce our fourth All Asia DX Contest. Stations will need to work as many operators from Asia as possible, along with all other operators for distance points

Group A: Asia
Group B: Europe
Group C: North America
Group D: South America
Group E: Africa, Oceania and Antarctica

1st place in each group will receive 30 HS credits
2nd place in each group will receive 20 HS credits
3rd place in each group will receive 10 HS credits
Bands160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 11 and 10 meters.
RulesNOTE: a frequency limit will be imposed on all bands (to allow non-contest stations room to operate during the contest).

All contest contacts MUST be above 35kHz from the bottom of each band (example: 7.035 and up, 14.235 and up, 21.335 and up). Any contest contact made below the 35kHz contest band edge will not count.

You can work all stations (Asian and non-Asian) and you will receive points for distance between you and operator (as follows):
1 point per QSO (0-500km)
2 points per QSO (500km-2500km)
3 points per QSO (2500km-5000km)
4 points per QSO (5000km-10000km)
5 points per QSO (10000km +)

1 point for each multiplier of a new worked Asian country and/or territory (one time during the contest).
Repeated QSOs with the same operator are valid on every new band. 15 minutes must have passed before you can contact the same op on a different band.
Score CalculationTotal points for distance x (Total multipliers for each new worked Asian country and territory according to DXHS list+1) +1 is for cases, if operator did not work with any Asian country.
Max Power100 Watts
ExchangeRS + Serial numbers (starting from 001)
QSO PointsMultipliers are each new worked Asian country according to DXHS country list as bellow:
Afghanistan AF
Armenia AM
Azerbaijan AZ
Bahrain BH
Bangladesh BD
Bhutan BT
Cambodia KH
China CN
Cyprus CY
Georgia GE
Hong Kong HK
India IN
Indonesia ID
Iran IR
Iraq IQ
Israel IL
Japan JP
Jordan JO
Kazakhstan KZ
Kuwait KW
Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA
Lebanon LB
Macau MO
Malaysia MY
Maldives MV
Mongolia MN
Myanmar MM
Nepal NP
North Korea KP
Oman OM
Pakistan PK
Palestinia PS
Philippines DU
Qatar QA
Russian Federation (Asiatic) RU
Saudi Arabia SA
Singapore SG
South Korea KR
Spratly islands 2S
Sri Lanka LK
Syrian Arab Republic SY
Taiwan TW
Tajikistan TJ
Thailand TH
Turkey TR
Turkmenistan TM
United Arab Emirates AE
Uzbekistan UZ
Vietnam VN
Yemen YE
Extra infoGood Luck and see you in the contest!
Start date UTC2020-02-15 00:00
End date UTC2020-02-16 00:00
Log deadline UTC2020-02-18 00:00